Graduate show Master of Research in Art & Design St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp
Curated by Matteo Lucchetti.
Ario Akhlaghi - Ali Baharlou - Rens Cools
Tiago Duarte - Eleanor Duffin - Adrijana Gvozdenovic
Koyuki Kazahaya - William Ludwig Lutgens
Denis Maksimov - Vijai Patchineelam - Ramon Pino
Julie van der Vaart
Sunday, 21 June 2015,
14:00 - Opening
16:00 - Lecture-performance by Denis Maksimov: 'Macro-level: the world as it’s seen by (Russia)'
17:00 - Lecture-performance by Adrijana Gvozdenovic: ‘Looking at Tour d’horizon 2015'
18:00 - Screening 'Sudden Shifts' by Vijai Patchineelam, with live soundtrack by Karl Mascara
Exhibition: 24 - 28 June 2015, 2pm - 7pm
In Luigi Pirandello’s renowned meta-theatrical and absurdist play Six Characters in Search of an Author, the action opens with the rehearsal of a theatre company that is busy working on the mise en scene of another play by the Italian writer, titled Il giuoco delle parti, that translates into The Game of Roles. The function of the play within another play — where at some point six unknown characters come to the stage looking for their stories to be completed — is